Moya Writes Things a personal website

Articles tagged with "meta"

Total post count: 2

QR Code Art Business Card

I made myself a design for a business card today.

Update Aug 1, 2023: Figured I’d move the write-up here, since there’s a good chance I might keep iterating on this in the future and don’t wanna spam the qr code page. (... click for more)

Hello world!

Why a blog? Why now?

Couple different reasons:

  1. I’ve wanted one for a while (like, a decade and a half)
  2. I’m finally feeling experienced enough to say something interesting
  3. Seems like it wouldn’t hurt to have a public persona somewhere

I last tried setting up a Github Pages in 2020 and got a good part of the way there… but then stopped because I spent too much time trying to muck with the layout and overwhelming myself trying to use all of the tag/collection/etc features that Jekyll and Liquid had to offer. (... click for more)